Information about SBL Zincum Metallicum ,/7 LM
SBL Zincum Metallicum
It stimulates the nervous system and relieves mind fatigue. It is effective in relieving depression and other spinal and brain ailments. This medicine can reduce convulsion, suppressed eruption, and involuntary mo..
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50Information about SBL Viscum album /7 LM
SBL Viscum Album
It is used to treat hypertension, severe colds, frequent vertigo and other conditions. It is a stress reliever and helps to regulate high blood pressure. It is safe and non-toxic due to its homoeopathic composition.
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50Information about SBL Viburnum Opulus /7 LM
SBL Viburnum Opulus
It is a homeopathic remedy that treats problems related to women's health. It can be used to treat cramps and colicky pains in the pelvic organs. It is made from the finest homeopathic medicines and raw materials.
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50Information about SBL Veratrum Viride /7 LM
This homeopathic remedy is made from White American Hellebore. Veratrum Viride can be used for the following indications:
Heart valve diseases.
Inflammatory conditions of brain and spinal cord, e.g. meningitis.
High feve..
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50SBL Veratrum Album /7 LMSBL Veratrum Album is a homeopathic remedy that is prepared from the leaves and berries of the Mistletoe plant. The medicine is best suited for low blood pressure with weak pulse, in cases of collapse, blueness, and cold perspiration with violent retching and vomiting. It is ..
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50Information about SBL Urtica Urens ,/7 LM
SBL Urtica Urens
It is a powerful remedy that provides relief from burns, bites, bites, and cuts. It's also very effective in treating pains associated with arthritis and rheumatism. It is anti-oxidant and protects against harmful free radi..
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50Information about SBL Uranium Nitricum /7 LMSBL Uranium Nitricum is a homeopathic medicine which is helpful in increased sugar levels and blood pressure. Its natural formulation comprises of genuine raw materials and is free from impurities. It is useful in treating diabetes and high blood pressure ..
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50Information about SBL Tuberculinum ,/7 LM
SBL Tuberculinum
Homeopathic medicine that is made from bacteria infected cattle. It is free of impurities because it uses only genuine raw materials. It is effective in treating skin infections and tuberculosis. It can be used to treat psy..
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50Information about SBL Trillium ./7 LM
Trillium Pendulum, a homeopathic remedy made from the root of whitebeth plants, is known as Trillium Pendulum. The following conditions are compatible with Trillium Pendulum:
Bleeding disorders (hemophilia)
Female Disorders
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50Information about SBL Thyroidinum ./7 LM
SBL Thyroidinum
Thyroidinum is a homoeopathic treatment for hyperthyroidism. Thyroidinum can treat most symptoms of Hyperthyroidism, including general weakness and sensitivity to cold as well as obesity.
Key Ingredients:
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50SBL Thuja Occidentalis /7 LMSBL Thuja Occidentalis is an efficacious remedy to gain relief from rheumatic and arthritic pains. It soothes pain in the bones and joints. It is also helpful in the cure of warts, spots, swelling and eruptions on the skin, and chronic headaches. Key Ingredients:Thuja Occ..
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50Information about SBL Terebinthinae Oleum /7 LMSBL Terebinthinae Oleum is homeopathic medicine which possesses an affinity for bleeding mucous surfaces.This remedy supports the healthy functioning of kidneys, bladder and intestines. It helps in reducing burning pain in urethra and also treats condit..
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50