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20gm in LM4

SBL Lapis Albus /4 LMLapis albus is also known as Silicofluoride Of Calcium. It was obtained initially from the mineral spring of Germany. An excellent remedy for any kind of tumors whether benign or malignant. It is used for following conditions: Ear Good for infections of external ear known as oti..
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50
Information about SBL Kreosotum 4 LM SBL Kreosotum It is a homeopathic tincture that can be used to treat many health conditions. It is most effective in treating digestive conditions such as nausea and diarrhea caused by eating contaminated foods. It is effective in treating skin ..
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50
SBL Kalmia Latifolia /4 LMSBL Kalmia Latifolia is a very efficacious medicine for joints pain. This medicine is helpful in the symptoms of retching, abnormal nerves etc. This is a rheumatic remedy with the characteristics of pain shifting rapidly. The medicine is prepared from the tincture of fresh ..
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50
Information about SBL Kali Phosphoricum 1/4 LM Kali Phosphoricum, or Phosphate Of Potassium, is a great remedy for people who feel constantly tired. This is one of the best nerve remedies for people who lack nerve power. These conditions can be treated with this remedy: Mind Anxie..
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50
Information about SBL Kali Muriaticum 4 LM Kali Muriaticum can also be chemically known as Potassium Chloride. This Tissue Salt remedy is homeopathically used for many conditions, including inflammatory and catarrhal conditions. It can be used curatively in the following conditions: ..
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50
SBL Kali Iodatum /4 LMSBL Kali Iodatum is a homeopathic medicine and is a helpful remedy for sinusitis with severe, burning discharge from nose. It assist in reducing swelling, congestion and inflammation of all glands. Violent headache with pain over the eyes and chronic infections are also treated..
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50
SBL Kali Carbonicum /4 LMKali Carbonicum also known as Carbonate of Potash is a deep and acting remedy and is helpful for conditions such as peptic ulcer, sour stomach, respiratory complaints, and arthritis. Slightest weather changes affect and cold weather brings on many complaints. Anemic persons ..
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50
SBL Kali Bromatum /4 LMSBL Kali Bromatum is a homeopathic medicine that is a remedy for various health issues such as acne, psoriasis, paralysis, stammering and sleeplessness. The medicine is also known as Potassium Bromide.It provides relief from severe acne with bluish red pustules with itching es..
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50
Information about SBL Kali Bichromicum 1/4 LM Homeopathic remedy made from the Bichromate Of Potash. It is well-suited for stomach, intestine, and airway passages. The tendency to quickly move from one place to the next. Nose The secretions are thick, viscid, and s..
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50
SBL Kali Arsenicosum /4 LMSBL Kali Arsenicosum is a multipurpose homeopathic tablet which is used for the cure of several health complications. It is indicated in malignancy and contains mild sedative properties helpful for patients suffering from restlessness and nervousness.It is also used for ski..
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50
Information about SBL Justicia Adhatoda /4 LM SBL Justicia Adhatoda It is used primarily to treat issues related to the respiratory tract. It is used to treat excessive coughs and improve breathing for patients with coryza or dyspnoea. It reduces cough and clears the chest. It can ..
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50
Information about SBL Jalapa /4 LM SBL Jalapa It is an effective treatment for children with sleep problems. It can be used to relieve abdominal pain on the right side. It is very effective in relieving nausea and excessive gas formation. This drug is very effective in treating acu..
$3.50 $4.38
Ex Tax:$3.50
Showing 73 to 84 of 203 (17 Pages)