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Best HASLAB products

Haslab Vermifugo DropComposition : Cina 3x, Teucrium M.V. 3x, Filix mas 3x, Sabadilla 3x.    Dosage : 1 to 2 drops at bed time for 3-4 weeks. In chronic cases daily one dose for a long period will prevent worm infestation.    Disease : Worms    Symptoms : Worms of all types, ascarises and oxyures. s..
$3.32 $4.15
Ex Tax:$3.32
Haslab Sexon DropHaslab Sexon Drop is efficacious in treating irregular menses, amenorrhoea, stopped, scanty and retarded menses, incomplete abortion and false pregnancy.Key Ingredients:Pinus 1xGossypium 1xSabina 1xCaulophyllum 1xKey Benefits:Regulates the tardy, stopped, scanty and retarded mensesA..
$3.32 $4.15
Ex Tax:$3.32
Haslab Sarneem TonicHaslab Sarneem Tonic is formulated to treat acne, pimples and blackheads. The ingredients used in the formulation help to mitigate dry skin, boils and Eczema-taus Eruption. Moreover, it assist to prevent eruption on the face and other exposed parts of the skin. Key Ingredients:Az..
$3.22 $4.03
Ex Tax:$3.22
Haslab Rhustee Oil SprayComposition : Arnica Q, Canthris Q, Gultheria Q, Turpentine Oil & Linseed Oil    Dosage : Spray & Gently Massage oil on the affected area or as prescribed by the Physician.    Disease : Joint pains, Lumbago, Muscular pains, Sprains, Osteoarthritis, Stiff neck, Injury to ligam..
$2.57 $3.21
Ex Tax:$2.57
Haslab Nervocalm Sleep Stimulator DropHaslab Nervocalm Sleep Stimulator Drop are helpful for patients suffering from insomnia, drowsiness, nervousness, restlessness, congestive headaches, anger or grief, itching and muscular spasms.Key Ingredients:Avena Sat 1xCoffea 3xIgnatia 3xZincum Met 3xValerian..
$3.39 $4.24
Ex Tax:$3.39
Haslab Mullein Ear DropComposition : Mullein Q, Belladonna Q, Plantago Major. Q. Opium Q, Glycerine, Acidum Carbolic Q.    Dosage : AS DIRECTED BY PHYSICIAN    Disease : Earache, watery, purulent discharges and deafness    Symptoms : An helpful analgesic and antiseptic ear drop for various ear troub..
$1.81 $2.26
Ex Tax:$1.81
Haslab Mamira Eye DropComposition : Acidum Boracicum , Natrum Muraticum, Natrum Sulphuricum, Camphora, Euphrasia Officialis , Mamira : Coptis Teeta, Berberine    Dosage : Instill 1-2 drops in both eyes 2 to 3 times a day, allowing the tears to irrigate the entire eye by closing & opening the eyelids..
$2.23 $2.79
Ex Tax:$2.23
Haslab Livotex Liver TonicComposition : Chelidonium 1x, Andrographis Paniculata 1x, Ceanothus 1x, Carica papaya 1x, Clerodendron 1x, Cina 1x, Lycopodium 1x, Luffa Bindal 1x, Carduus marinus 1x.    Dosage : Adults 1 to 2 teaspoonful, Children 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoonful, infants 15 to 2 drops with water 2..
$3.32 $4.15
Ex Tax:$3.32
Haslab Livotex Liver TonicComposition : Chelidonium 1x, Andrographis Paniculata 1x, Ceanothus 1x, Carica papaya 1x, Clerodendron 1x, Cina 1x, Lycopodium 1x, Luffa Bindal 1x, Carduus marinus 1x.    Dosage : Adults 1 to 2 teaspoonful, Children 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoonful, infants 15 to 2 drops with water 2..
$3.32 $4.15
Ex Tax:$3.32
Haslab Kofsed Cough Sedative DropComposition : Aconitum Napallus 1x, Gelsemium Sempervirens 1x, Spongia Tosta 1x, Camphora 3x, Justicia Adhatoda 1x.    Dosage : 5 to 1 drops 3-4 times daily mixed in little water. In Acute Cough 1 to 15 drops with little lukewarm water to be repeated 1/2 to 1 hourly,..
$3.32 $4.15
Ex Tax:$3.32
Haslab Jaborand Hair LotionJaborand Hair lotion contains Pilocarpus Pinnatifolius, Arnica Montana, Cantharis, and Calendulla Officinalis. Pilocarpus Pinnatifolius is a component that restores blood capillaries in the scalp. Arnica Montana is also added to support healthy hair growth. Cantharis is ad..
$2.75 $3.44
Ex Tax:$2.75
Haslab HC 99 Macrotinum Complex TabletHaslab HC 99 Macrotinum Complex Tablet is helpful in backache, pain in fingers, arms, shoulders, hip and knees, stiffness of neck. It is helpful in the case of rigidity and swelling of joints with tearing and shooting pain.Key Ingredients:MacrotinumEonymus atrop..
$16.02 $20.03
Ex Tax:$16.02
Showing 1 to 12 of 291 (25 Pages)