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10ml in 30CH Potency

Information about ADEL Lathyrus Sat Dilute 3 CH Lathyrus Sativus, a legume made from Chick Peas, is also known as the Chick Pea. Mainly used to treat Spinal Cord affections or paralysis. Extremities Paralytic affections in the lower limbs The reflexes are now more responsi..
$2.85 $3.56
Ex Tax:$2.85
Information about ADEL Lapis Alb. Dilution 3 CH LAPIS ALBUS DILUTION Lapis Albus is also known by Silicofluoride of Calcium. It was first obtained from a mineral spring in Germany. It is a great remedy for all types of tumors, malignant or benign. These conditions are the reasons it..
$2.85 $3.56
Ex Tax:$2.85
ADEL Lachnanthes Dilution 3 CHLachnanthes tinctoria is also commonly known as Spirit Weed and is a homeopathic remedy for complaints of head, chest and circulation. This is curative for the following : Head Right sided pain, extending down to jaw Head feels enlarged Worse by slightest noise Bridge o..
$2.85 $3.56
Ex Tax:$2.85
ADEL Lachesis Mutus Dilution 3 CHLACHESIS MUTUS DILUTION Lachesis or snake bush master is a snake poison which is homeopathically potentised and used for a number of conditions . Most of the complaints originate from the left side. This snake remedy is wonderful for skin complaints, menstrual compla..
$2.85 $3.56
Ex Tax:$2.85
ADEL Lac Def Dilution 3 CHLAC DEFLORATUM DILUTIONLac defloratum is also known as skimmed milk and is used frequently for individuals with faulty nutrition or those who have profuse urination during pain, Car sickness.This remedy is curative in the following conditions-Good for exhaustion and anaemia..
$2.85 $3.56
Ex Tax:$2.85
Information about ADEL Kreosotum Dilute 3 CH ADEL Kreosotum Dilution It is a homeopathic tincture that can be used to treat many health conditions. It is most effective in treating digestive conditions such as nausea and diarrhea caused by eating contaminated foods. It is effective..
$2.85 $3.56
Ex Tax:$2.85
ADEL Kalmia Lat Dilution 3 CHADEL Kalmia Lat Dilution is a very efficacious medicine for joints pain. This medicine is helpful in the symptoms of retching, abnormal nerves etc. This is a rheumatic remedy with the characteristics of pain shifting rapidly. The medicine is prepared from the tincture of..
$2.85 $3.56
Ex Tax:$2.85
ADEL Kalium Iodatum Dilution 3 CHADEL Kalium Iodatum Dilution is a homeopathic medicine and is a helpful remedy for sinusitis with severe, burning discharge from nose. It assist in reducing swelling, congestion and inflammation of all glands. Violent headache with pain over the eyes and chronic infe..
$2.85 $3.56
Ex Tax:$2.85
ADEL Kalium Bromatum Dilution 3 CHADEL Kalium Bromatum Dilution is a homeopathic medicine that is a remedy for various health issues such as acne, psoriasis, paralysis, stammering and sleeplessness. The medicine is also known as Potassium Bromide.It provides relief from severe acne with bluish red p..
$2.85 $3.56
Ex Tax:$2.85
Information about ADEL Kalium Arsenicosum Dilution 3 CHADEL Kalium Arsenicosum Dilution is a multipurpose homeopathic tablet which is used for the treatment of several health complications. It is indicated in malignancy and contains mild sedative properties useful for patients suffering from restles..
$2.85 $3.56
Ex Tax:$2.85
ADEL Kali Sulph Dilution 3 CHKali Sulph Dilution is a homeopathic preparation. Kali Sulph Dilution is used for various ailments. Head ailments: Rheumatic headache, beginning in evening. Bald spots. Dandruff and scaldhead. Ears ailments: Eustachian deafness. Discharge of yellow matter (Hydr). Nose ai..
$2.85 $3.56
Ex Tax:$2.85
ADEL Kali Phos Dilution 3 CHKALIUM PHOSPHORICUM DILUTIONKali Phosphoricum or Phosphate of Potassium is an excellent remedy for individuals who are constantly exhausted mentally and physically. One of the greatest nerve remedies for those with lack of nerve power. This remedy can be used for the foll..
$2.85 $3.56
Ex Tax:$2.85
Showing 325 to 336 of 531 (45 Pages)